ORDER CD (9.99 euro +shipping costs) Maybe choose for digital download: KKBOX: https://www.kkbox.com/hk/tc/album/U6ovEvgZdbDBs0F1.K4U009H-index.html QOBUZ(french): http://www.qobuz.com/lu-fr/search?q=Blackbird+Rudy+Kronfuss&i=boutique QOBUZ(deutsch) http://www.qobuz.com/de-de/album/blackbird-rudy-kronfuss/7630047122262#item AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-music&field-keywords=Blackbird+rudy+kronfuss and many more !
1. Beautiful mind 2. A long way from home 3. Another morning blues 4. Beam of light 6. Love is all there is 8. Keep on talking 9. Here I go again 10. Sad song 11. Would you like to take a ride 12. Take me high - intro 13. Take me high 14. Take me high - coda
I always loved blackbirds and felt a special connection with those birds, that's why this CD is named "BLACKBIRD". For me these birds represent freedom, the spiritual search and the darker mysteries of life. Many songs here are very personal and were inspired by happenings and events from the past and the present. This collections of songs has blues elements and a psychedelic rock feel here and there . There is of course a lot of guitar, both electric and acoustic. This CD is like a journey through my life, a life I am grateful for. Rudy Kronfuss